1. Archridium items from now on can be upgraded only with high grade and they are with decreased defense - same as Mithril defense.

- Set effect of the Archridium gear is changed:

2. New item: Safeguard (Accessories)

- From now on this item will be needed, if you want to craft via formula card Demon's Earrings +8/+9 and Minesta's Chaos Fighter/Sage/Guardian Belts +9. If you craft and fail, your item will not disappear anymore.
- This item can be bought from "Yul NPC -> Craft items" for 5 bilion alz.

3. [Yul NPC - MNCoin Shop] Changed price of Demon's Bracelet +8+9 and Demon's Earring +8+9:

+8 - From 15000 to 7000 MNCoins
+9 - From 30000 to 8000 MNCoins

4. Changes in duration of the following skills:

- Eagle Eye [Lv.20] - 1890s to 9000s
- Thrusting Arrow [Lv.20] - 1890s to 9000s
- Resist Intension [Lv.20] - 1890s to 9000s

5. Fixed a bug, where if you are disconnected during dungeon and you can't join in your character again.

6. Dungeon check system is optimized and you won't be banned without reason anymore. You can make new records with party :)
