Hello Dear Players,
The new update is ready and the changes are the following things:
1. WA Buff skill Down Breaker [Lv.20] is with increased duration - 9,000s
2. Dungeon Hollya Keldrasil will give you per 1x MNCoin for every finish.
3. The following cores from now on will cost certain amounts of alz, when you sell them to NPC:
- Upgrade Core (Highest) 1.5m alz
- Upgrade Core (High) - 1m alz
- Force Core (Highest) 5m alz
- Force Core (High) - 3m alz
4. When you extract Archridium items, you will receive high grade items.
5. Valentine Event is started. More details here: https://forum.cabalbg.com/forum/moon...2022#post62506
6. New ring: Awakened Tempus' Ring
- First, You have to kill multiple times the last boss from Tower of the Dead B3F (Part 2), which is called Lord of Carnage Pravitas Essentia, until you receive the quest item Sealed Awakened Tempus' Ring.
- After that, You have one quest to do. You have to bring that Sealed ring to Core Alchemist Sullivan in Desert Scream and to get the recipe.
- Then with the recipe item and Tempus' Ring, you must go to Yul NPC in Green Despair and to provide the both items + 5 bilion of alz and finally you will be able to unleash the awakened power of Awakened Tempus' Ring.
Have a nice game!